Sensual Emotion - the Tantra Massage Studio Vienna
Tantra is a means to an end for us. And the end is called relaxation, fulfilment and releasing sexual energies. We are of course aware of the origin and origins of Tantra. Our masseuses are all highly trained in Tantra massages. However, we are much less esoteric than other Tantra studios and feel less spiritually committed to the origin. For us, Tantra is not a lifestyle, but an enormously powerful tool to bring one's mind and body into harmony.
Sexual self-knowledge
Far too many people cannot deal with their sexuality in an open and liberated way. Tantra is the perfect tool to be able to cast off this inhibitor in order to be able to unfold the power of one's desire. This not only has an effect on one's own sexuality, it liberates an energy that is able to shape our entire life more actively, more joyfully and without blockages. That is why we love Tantra, and with Sensual Emotion we want to offer you a Tantra studio in Vienna that is aware of itself, but does without too much esotericism.
Women, men and couples
Both women (Yoni Masage) as well as men (Lingam Massage) can benefit enormously from Tantra. If you know yourself, your mind and your body better, then you love yourself more and are more able to be a sexually fulfilling part to your partner. It is obvious that we also very much like couples (Couple massage) together into the art of Tantra, because here you not only get to know yourself better, but you can also watch your partner learn about themselves, which can be enormously enriching.