Tantra is a holistic experience and can activate your sexual energy and expand your consciousness.
Tantric massage originates from India and stands for more than just body massage. It combines the principles of tantra, bioenergy, anatomy and meditation. Eastern nations have always treated sexual energy with respect. They recognised its importance for a healthy life, both physically and spiritually. They treated it as equal to science and art.
Worship of the body and orgasmic pleasure
In Tantra, massage is used so that two people can connect through physical contact. It reveres the body and represents orgasmic pleasure. In tantric massage, the therapist masters the energy to create inner channels that lead the person to higher levels of orgasmic awareness.
The Chakras
The original tantric massage presupposes an understanding of the energy channels in the human body through which, according to the teachings of the Taoist philosophers, the life energy - the Chi - flows.
This includes knowledge of the role and purpose of all chakras in the human body and their connections in relation to internal and external influences sublimated through acupressure points on the body.
The tantric massage is therefore a combination of the classic relaxation massage and the stimulation of the erogenous zones.
The erogenous zones include not only the genitals, but also numerous other places on the body of men and women. Tantric massage is about activating, energising, opening and connecting the energy centres of our being (the chakras).
Tantric massage promotes a healthy libido so that we can reach the other parts of the personality that are usually neglected. Sexual energy can heal us and prolong our lives, and reach a deep state of happiness.